Salana Khatam
We at Khatam Shareef arrange Salana Khatam for our clients with utmost zeal and passion. A minimum of 15-20 madrasah students take part in the proceedings where an entire Quran is recited collectively. Upon completion, the dua-e-khatamul- Quran is recited by the Aalim. Moreover, there is also an arrangement for the recitation of naats. The event is organised in Lahore at an area of our customer’s choice.

Salana Khatam
Annual Prayer or Salana Khatam is also a religious activities. Although it is not a compulsory religious activities, but still Muslims all over the world, especially of Asian region perform this religious act.
This activity is performed after every year of departure of a Muslim from this world. First of all, people arrange Quran Khawani to achieve the willingness and happiness of Almighty Allah.
In the second step, large scale lunch or dinner party is arranged to feed everyone without the distinction of needy, poor and rich.
In fact, feeding of people without the distinction of their financial status is also a very good deed.
Therefore, this act of Salana Khatam is also a regular activity among the Muslims of the world.
In many states, it becomes very difficult for the people to arrange such gatherings for Salana Khatam. In this scenario, our platform is specially created to help such people who want to arrange some Salana Khatam.